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The Venus Factor Diet System Reviews - The female weight loss program from John Barban

Firm And Fit Forever

Finally a weight loss program specifically developed for ladies. Its creator is University of Florida lecturer, John Barban, who created this plan based on scientific facts to help women lose weight even if all other diet and exercise programs have failed. Barban, who has a master’s degree in nutrition and human biology, came up with this program perfect for women who are ten or more pounds overweight.

The Venus Factor Diet is designed to help women achieve their permanent fitness goals, thus eliminating the endless cycle of gaining and losing weight that is associated with fad diets, pills and complicated workouts.

What is the venus factor? Does it work? Based on a three month step by step plan designed for women who have struggled unsuccessfully to lose stubborn fat, the program targets fat reduction based on the significant metabolic differences that exist between male and female bodies, particularly where fat loss is concerned. Through years of careful research, he has created a program that takes a practical, scientific approach to female fat loss, based on the top reasons women lose weight differently than men.

The philosophy on which this program was based includes important factors, such as the role of leptin in female weight loss. Leptin is the primary hormone that controls the fat burning process in both males and females. However, although women have twice as much of this hormone than men, Barban discovered through extensive research that women are three times less likely to lose weight than men. Leptin resistance is the primary reason for this and almost all women suffer from this phenomenon to some degree. There are various reasons for this, including poor food choices, yo-yo dieting, consuming processed foods on a regular basis, a sluggish thyroid, the aging process, poor sleeping habits, overuse of caffeine, and vitamin deficiencies.

The program was created to stimulate dormant leptin so that women can burn fat throughout the day and night at a much more efficient rate than was possible prior to following a leptin-stimulating program. Once this enhanced fat-burning process has begun, the plan offers a step-by-step exercise program to help participants achieve the firm, fit body they previously thought was out of reach.

Because this is a practical program, participants need not worry about following complicated meal plans or unrealistic exercise routines. Unlike many fad diets that promote the use of “miracle fat burning pills” or require participants to purchase expensive workout equipment, this is an easy-to-follow plan that helps women make permanent lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain their fitness goals. No special pills or supplements are required and all exercises can be completed at home or at a local gym. In addition, anyone can complete the workouts, regardless of her current fitness level.

Those who purchase the program will receive a step-by-step manual with easy to understand menu plans that do not require the purchase of special foods. The program also includes a simple but effective exercise routine that can be completed in 20 minutes. In addition, dieters receive tips about ways to enjoy their favorite foods or splurge from time to time without negatively affecting their progress.

An application called the Virtual Nutritionist is also available to participants, and is used to calculate the exact calorie and protein requirements women need to achieve a slim and shapely body. Those who enroll in the program are given access to the Venus Community as well, which is a private, members only forum where they can chat to other participants as often as they desire, and even start a blog of their own about their goals, progress and personal experience with the program.

The Venus Index Podcast is another resource dieters can use to hear the stories of those who have achieved their fitness objectives with the John Barban program. Following a sensible diet and exercise regimen is a wise pursuit for essentially anyone who wants to have a healthier life style and achieve a firm and fit body.

Here is another female weight loss "Wesley Virgin Fat Diminisher System". We’ve heard many positive results from ladies who have relied on this system.



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